Organic Farming

State of the Art Organic Farming Techniques are employed alongside ancient Vedic agricultural tenants to grow and produce the purest and best form of natural, pesticide free produce, vegetables, fruits and flowers in our fertile lands, based on our vision and philosophy at VedicTree.

Natural, organic manure and bio-fertilizers procured from our Gaushala are used to cultivate and grow organic, healthy, fresh grains, crops & vegetables along with sun kissed fruits and flowers. The vitamin rich produce grown in our farmlands at VedicTree are healthy and chemical/pesticide free products, safe for consumption and export.

Organic Farming helps to provide the high quality chemical free organic food.The major benfits of Organic Farming are:

❀ Preserve Nature

❀ Safety of your vital Organs and Health

Organic Farming has the three basic goal values, the values of its product: sufficient, healthy and sustainable food supplies. In our Farming based Civilization we have very developed natural farming methodology and techniques where fresh products are produced without toxic chemicals and urea. Our Farming Methodology covers different parts of the society and environment working together giving a change of inter-dependent way of survival for every living being in the nature.

Training School
How is this Training school different ?
Our Training school rely on natural processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions rather than the use of synthetic inputs like chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. We will provide the training about how can we use composted animal manures and green manure crops, in ways that maintain biological diversity and replenish soil fertility.
Training Goal
Our Training goal is to spread awareness about the benefits of Organic Farming among the people of our nation. The consequence of conventional farming is very hazardous. Farmers should adapt Organic Farming it helps to maintain the PH level between 6.5 to 7.5 that retain the fertility of soil for long period of time. The use of organic farming gives sustainable higher yield. With our training program, we are trying to make it reach with maximum number of people in next few years.
Training Vision
Within next 5 years, VedicTree will have the maximum variety of crops in its land. At VedicTree training school, the farmers from different region can come here and learn about the various techniques of Organic Farming. Our Vision is the resurgence of Organic farming due to achieve sustainable agriculture.
Working Hours

Monday – Saturday

0600 – 1800 hrs

And all the Sundays

Will be Holidays

Call Us:
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Jarara, Khair, Aligard, Uttar Pradesh, India.

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